New Horizons for Seniors Program: Call for Proposals
Seniors make significant and valuable contributions to their families, communities and society. The New Horizons for Seniors program is one way we give back to those who contributed so much to Canada over their lifetime.
The application period is now open for the 2018-2019 New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) call for proposals for Community-based Projects. The application form is available for download HERE. Once it is filled out and signed, Ontario applications have to be mailed to the following address:
New Horizons for Seniors Program
430 Courtneypark Drive East, 2 Floor
Mississauga ON L5T 2S5
Alternately, you can apply online through a Grants and Contributions Account.
The NHSP call for proposals is closed after June 15, 2018, at 11:59 PM PST.
Complete details and eligibility requirements are laid out on the NHSP website, but below are a few important points.
Organizations are invited to apply for funding, under the following three national priorities, for projects that empower seniors to initiate and participate in activities that benefit:
• the vulnerable seniors populations,
• focus on diversity of Canada’s seniors; and
• will promote volunteerism to increase an organization’s capacity.
Eligible organizations can receive up to $25,000 in project funding. Starting this year, organizations that have not benefitted from NHSP funding during the last five years can receive up to $5,000 as part of the new small grants pilot project.
If you have questions about the application, you can contact Employment and Social Development directly either ONLINE or through one of the below contact methods.
Telephone: 1-866-945-7342
Email: [email protected]
Quick Facts
- The call for proposals is open from May 7, 2018 until June 15, 2018.
- Eligible organizations can receive up to $25,000 in project funding, and, as of this year, up to $5,000 in new small grants funding for organizations that have not received funding within the last five years (including the 2012-2013 NHSP call for proposals).
- Three national priorities have been identified for the small grants initiative: projects benefiting vulnerable seniors populations, projects focusing on the diversity of Canada’s seniors, and projects using volunteerism to increase an organization’s capacity. Applicants must submit projects in line with at least one of these priorities.
Associated Links
• Funding: New Horizons for Seniors Program – Community-based projects
• Funding: New Horizons for Seniors Program – Pan-Canadian projects
• New Horizons for Seniors Program – Engaging Seniors, Strengthening Communities