January 2018 Newsletter
Happy New Year!
Welcome 2018! I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Christmas holiday with family and friends. As we welcome 2018, I wish all of you a safe and happy New Year!
Liberal Trudeau Government adds new requirement to Canada Summer Jobs Applicants
On December 19th the call for applications for the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) Program launched. Employers and our government were shocked to learn that this year, to be eligible, applicants will have to attest both the job and the organization’s core mandate come in line with Prime Minister Trudeau’s government commitment on reproductive rights. What does this mean? Simply put, it would appear that if your organization has a pro-life belief contrary to that of the Liberal Government, you would NOT be approved for funding under this year’s CSJ Program.
This is wrong. As Canadians we have always had the privilege to hold different political views than those of the government of the day. This new requirement will directly affect all program applicants who have a different core value than the Trudeau government.
Unfortunately this new requirement is already in place and the application period is already open. Additionally we are on our Parliamentary winter break and are unable to question the Prime Minister in the House of Commons as the application period closes in February.
I have posted a video about this on my website and Facebook page. Please share with family and friends so they can let the Liberals know that this is wrong.
Prime Minister found guilty by Ethics Commissioner
For the first time in Canadian history, our Prime Minister has been found guilty by the Ethics Commissioner for breaching four sections of the Conflict of Interest Act. During his family vacation last Christmas, the Prime Minister accepted gifts that could influence decision-making; not removing himself from discussions that could further private interests; failing to arrange his private affairs to avoid this conflict and accepting travel on a non-commercial aircraft.
While the Conservatives accept Prime Minister Trudeau’s apology for breaking the law, it is unfortunate the Prime Minster misled Canadians and continually dodged questions about his behavior. It seems as though Justin Trudeau believes that the rules shouldn’t apply to people like him. Canadians deserve better than a Prime Minister who believes there is one set of rules for Liberals and their friends and another set of rules for everyone else.
Prime Minister to welcome Jihadist Terrorists into Canada with open arms
In a year-end interview with CTV news, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he believes returning Jihadists can be rehabilitated into “Powerful” voices against radicalism within Canada. The fact that the Prime Minister is allowing the return of terrorists into Canada sends a terrible message to our veterans and armed forces. He is putting the security of Canadians at risk, and even Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale has said it will be nearly impossible to completely reform an ISIS fighter.
Travel Safe this winter
Many people get the travel bug during the winter months. I would like to remind you to please take all necessary precautions when travelling abroad. Ensure you have sufficient travel insurance, as you never know when a health emergency will occur. Always carry the contact information of your insurance company and familiarize yourself with their policies. I also suggest you have the contact for Foreign Affairs Canada as well as the number for the Canadian Embassy in the country you are visiting.
If you experience an emergency abroad, call Foreign Affairs collect at 1-613-996-8885 or email [email protected]
Did you know?
– Most people fail in adhering to their stated New Year’s resolutions. Specifically, 22% fail after one week, 40% after one month.
– The coldest temperature ever recorded in Canada was logged on February 3, 1947 in the Yukon village of Snag. The mercury hit -63 degrees Celsius, which is a similar temperature to the surface of Mars